Monday, July 12, 2010

I am guilty.

I have wasted more than a few hours of my life watching infomercials, and even more time, researching some of those products online. Yes, I did make a purchase (or two) but I had very valid reasons. My face was feeling tired and I needed a miracle lift that their products promised to deliver. In addition, my wooden floors needed to be super steam cleaned to prove that I was a worthy housekeeper. Who says that you and your home can’t be beautiful at the same time?
If you have ever indulged in watching the infomercial, you know you must act fast for either the extra special give-a-way or the super payment plan. I am smart enough to know that if I purchase the product days from now, it will still be honored, but it keeps flashing on the bottom of the screen that this is only a limited time offer, which definitely hastened my purchase.

Now, I am not going to reveal which skincare line I bought, but I had to watch several different famous and beautiful models tell their secrets before I made my intelligent decision. After googling all the choices and reading real user comments, it appears that each had their positive and negative statements, so I went with the best price package. I was happy with my selection but not enough to purchase again, and I think the over-the- counter products are just as successful. Perhaps, I should wait for the gift with purchases from the department stores to entice me next time. I am a true sucker!

Can you even imagine if ChaChaBella rings were on an infomercial? By the end of the show, you would have ordered the 5 must have rings to mix and match with every possible color combination outfit. The models and rings would be so dazzling that you just couldn’t decide and the super package price would have made you dizzy! Oh, if there was a “gift with purchase” special, ChaChaGirls would rejoice with “Yay Me!”

If you have ever made an infomercial purchase on something life-changing, let me know so I can check it out, and if you want to know my 5 must have rings….I am happy to share. But, respond fast, as I have a super secret blog special if you are one of the first 10 responders!

Suzanne Taylor at
Blog contributor