Friday, May 27, 2011

Summertime fun begins with Memorial Day Weekend, and ChaCha wants to know: Where is your ChaCha going this summer? Nothing says summer like boating and swimming, so I officially marked the season with my obligatory summer bikini wax. (I hope that isn’t TMI, but isn’t that what blogging is all about?) ChaCha girls scream, “No Pain, No Gain!”
The sounds of summer are important as we load up our iPods with catchy tunes. I am excited to kick off my summer by going to the Jimmy Buffett concert in Atlanta. I have been to many shows, and am definitely a Parrot-Head. So, in true ChaCha fashion, I went above and beyond with some “gimmicks” to
make the concert even more festive; I have a bowling game with pineapples and coconuts, flowery margarita cups, fun napkins, and goofy parrot hats! This year, we even rented an RV for tailgating. I am bringing some friends who have never been to a Jimmy Buffet concert before, and when I told them about the RV, they thought I was nuts! Imagine my joy when I called the local RV dealer and was asked, “Would you like the Jimmy Buffet special?” I said, “I do!” and quickly called my friends to tell them the news.
Boating and tailgating aside, Memorial Day is a great opportunity to thank our armed forces and be appreciative for our freedoms. We at ChaChaBella salute our veterans and all those currently enlisted.
Whether you attend a parade, grill out, eat watermelon or indulge in some ice cream, the smells, sounds, and tastes of summer are here! We hope you all have safe travels, and please take photos of you wearing your ChaCha ring wherever you go. Whether you are flying overseas or driving cross-country, we want to see that spark
le shine! The pictures you send us may be featured on our Facebook page, and one lucky winner will receive a free ring, so say, “ChaCha”
when you snap away! And if you’re looking for some ChaCha bling to take on your trip, we have beautiful red, white, and blue rings so you can be prepared with holiday sparkle!
Please send photos and a description of your location to Michelle at and if you have a great Jimmy Buffet story, send it to me, Suzanne at to win a free ring!