Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For those of you that gave up something for Lent, I commend you.

With the children counting down the days to the Easter Bunny arrives, perhaps you too are anxiously awaiting the big day to indulge in your sacrifice as well. I wonder: If after giving up something for 40 days, do you ease back into it or go for the gusto? Did you miss it so much that you will never give it up again? Or was it easy to walk away from?

Having never challenged myself to give up anything for 40 days and making myself accountable, I can only watch from the sidelines in amazement and awe. I have so many guilty pleasures…watching BRAVO marathons on TV, drinking wine, wasting water by taking baths at night, and don’t even get me started on my chocolate fixation.

I realize the basis of Lent is prepare the believer through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial and the 40 days are from the Death of Christ on Good Friday until his resurrection on Easter Sunday. So, I am not writing this blog lightly, but in tribute to those that partake in this ritual.

As a woman who was raised in the Jewish religion but married a Christian, my knowledge of Easter was limited to a bunny, dying Easter eggs, and decorating cookies. (BTW, I once went to an Easter Egg hunt where the eggs were dropped from a helicopter in the sky!) Since we have had our children and lived in Georgia, we began attending a Presbyterian church and my religious knowledge has expanded.
Last week, my daughter and I attended a 5 hour bible study on the Old Testament. Being Jewish and all, I thought it was history I should know but unfortunately didn’t; and therefore volunteered and paid to take this course on a Sunday.

I know I didn’t give up anything for 40 days, but I gave up 5 hours for God on a sunny Sunday and after not seeing the sun in several months, I thought it was some kind of a sacrifice. I felt good about myself and GOD when I was done with the course, and if I felt that good after 5 hours, I can only imagine how you feel after 40 days.

Say “Yay Me,” a popular ChaChaBella saying, if you are on your way to completing your Lent sacrifice.

If you gave up something unusual for LENT, you might be the winner of ChaChaBella ring as your reward, even if you went back to it after your 40 days. Send me your story at and since ChaChaBella is an equal opportunity business, if you aren’t Christian and have a good story of something you gave up, send it in as well.

Contact Suzanne at