Monday, November 22, 2010

“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence,” says beloved author Erma Bombeck.

As I prepare for the holidays with some deep breathing, chocolate, and a bottle of wine, I consider the things that I can control and those that have a life of their own. I can have enough toilet paper in my house, but I can’t make sure the toilet will flush properly each time. I can buy the turkey, but I can’t make sure it won’t burn in our deep fryer.

One thing that is constant though is the traditions that are handed down from family members. Perhaps you have your Aunt Betty’s pumpkin pie recipe or if you are like me, you have Mrs. Smith from the supermarket. Maybe you cram your entire family into one guest room or you opt for some alone time at the local hotel, either way if you are like most…holiday time is family time!

We have too many cooks in the kitchen, televisions and radios blaring, shhh…someone’s napping, oh I couldn’t eat any more but I’ll just try that, shopping to you drop, baking all day and watching football all night. The traditional cry of, “Where are my fat pants?” is heard everywhere.

Traditions sometime begin by accident…you go bowling one year after Thanksgiving dinner and then it is a tradition. Some traditions are deep rooted like singing carols after the lighting the advent candles or waking up at 5am to start shopping Friday morning.

ChaCha girls everywhere have one tradition they must uphold. Fun and Friendship! This is the time to send out those holiday cards and get excited when you receive them from a far-away friend. Maybe you get a chance to visit with an old acquaintance while at your family home or you get to meet your husband’s good ol’ friends.

Either way, if we are dealing with a mother-in-law, your own mother, or that “crazy” relative everyone has…we must be ChaCha gracious and embrace the holiday spirit of love. Yes, that means biting our tongue when we are told that it needs more salt, or that the knife should be pointed this way. I am thankful for any and all self control that I can maintain during the season!

If sitting on the couch and watching football makes the male species excited, than we have touchdown central with all the shopping deals during the holiday season. I personally like the one for you, one for me theory. I find it makes giving the gift easier because I don’t have to say goodbye since one is in my closet too. Sometimes I would rather pay $5.00 more than wait on the Toys R Us line, and sometimes it is just fun for the thrill of the kill. One easy way to shop is online.

Yes, wearing your pjs, googling your coupon codes, and armed with your credit card – you are off to shop and save! Of course if you are reading this blog, then you already know I am going to promote our beautiful gifts. Rings, Wine Glasses, Earrings..oh my! And now, you can save 25% off till January first using the code “sparkle”.

Everyone knows someone who spends more on the gift wrap then the present. The box, bag, cellophane is beautiful! It pains you to open the gift. Remember the days of just ripping it open! One gift idea I like to do for the person who has everything and needs nothing is lottery tickets. First of all, if it is a family member – it could also benefit you. Second, it is easy to purchase. Third, the excitement of the gift is unknown and so much fun to scratch off or watch the tv replay of numbers.

One issue lately that has arisen is my world is “How does Santa wrap his gift?” Some families have an entire separate color paper, others don’t wrap, some have them set up, and some are still in boxes, and one uses plain brown paper.

I find when the children discuss it, the wrapping doesn’t matter. As long as they believe - then it’s your unique, magical, special, family tradition. Cha Cha girls everywhere love to believe in the power of magic and all that is good in the world! May you have a safe and blessed ChaCha holiday season.
If you have a crazy family tradition – please share and be rewarded with Cha Cha sparkle! Contact Suzanne at