Monday, November 8, 2010

Tell me it isn’t true!
I can’t believe I went to the store yesterday and my favorite (you fill in the blank here) is now discontinued. This is sooooooo (yes, this is worthy of many o’s) unfair, as that is the best product! How frustrating when you finally find the perfect lipstick color, lotion, hair gel, paint color, sheet set, diet soda, cereal, or whatever item you deem amazing and then it is gone.

We are truly loyal to our products. This is the end of the relationship and we take it personally. Am I really the only person who bought this item? I have good taste, could sales really be low or is it something else? So, then we go on a hunt. We go to every store that could possibly carry the item. We call store managers. We call the company. We buy it in bulk. There is no way that I am not having that lipstick for my daughter’s wedding ten years from now, it is the only one that makes my teeth look really white!

My girlfriend recently found out that her lotion goes on stop sell during the winter months. They only make it in the summer time. There is no fury like a women without her must-have-product. I mean- friends, parents and cousins in other states had to be on the look out and purchase this for her.

Why do these companies taunt us? Here are the facts my friends: It is not personal. They aren’t out to get you. They don’t even know you exist. Some other new product needed space on the shelf. Or, they want us to be without it, so when they reintroduce the new formula or packaging, we will rush out to get it. Actually, this sounds like a brilliant marketing plan to me.

Marketing is the essence of America. Only here can a famous musician like Jimmy Buffett really sell the “lost shaker of salt” for $8.99. I stopped and bought Oreos yesterday, because for a limited time only they had Dairy Queen blizzard flavor Oreos. If my beloved University of Florida Gators are ever featured on a box of cereal, we purchase it. There is nothing like a summer time beer flavor that is only around for 8 weeks.

In one instance, I am actually looking forward to a limited time offer being over. I have been wasting useless calories on Zaxby’s amazing cookie cake shake.

My favorite marketing tool is: if you buy this item, we will give a percentage to charity. This is truly getting two birds with one stone!

Literally, in ChaChaBella’s case they have an entire ChaCha for Charity line that feature nothing but beautiful stones and crystals. If you purchase any of the ChaCha for Charity rings, a portion of the sales goes to that charity.

Check out the full line here.

Our rings are never discontinued, we just stay current and update with the trends. Contact us if something isn’t on the web and we will search high and low for that crystal color. We understand when you must have it!

Let me know your favorite product that was discontinued to earn a ring. I love all sob stories! Also, if you have a special cause, maybe you can have the next ChaCha for Charity ring named for you or someone you know... Contact Suzanne at