Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pat me on the back, I recycled my plastic milk jug! As the famous astronaut Neil Armstrong said, “One step for man and a giant leap
for mankind”. Yes, I have been attempting to reduce, reuse
and recycle since my sister came to visit and shamed me into it. It really is easy to make small steps to do our part and somehow my new found enthusiasm also landed me as the Go Green chairperson at school. If you are going to do something, do it big! That is a ChaCha girl motto!

Saving the planet has been in existence forever, but the public relations awareness campaign kicked off with Earth Day forty years ago on April 22, and today it is strong all across the world. We all know about turning off the lights, shutting off the water, and recycling plastic and paper. But, did you know that you can recycle the aluminum foil off of a Hershey’s kiss? Like a true chocoholic, I can find a way to work chocolate into any activity!
Other food products that are great for the environment is the new Sun Chip bag. It composts on its own by week 13 as it is made from 90% renewable, plant-based materials. It does have to
be planted into a compost pile, so, it won’t disintegrate in your kitchen cabinet…that would be messy! Check out www.sunchips.com for more information about composting.

Another way to approach Earth Day (which is everyday), is if you are planning a Honeymoon or a girl’s trip, think Eco-Friendly vacations. I recently researched some Eco friendly places and I wish I could have a tax write off taking the actual trip - that would be ChaCha Fabulous! First off, when you think of Jamaica, there is a hidden gem that isn’t as commercial as the cruise stops and Sandals resorts. It is called Mocking Bird Hill in Port Antonio, Jamaica. The herbs for the spa are all indigenous and the food is all organically grown. According to Conde-Naste traveler, it is green-globe certified. I think that is like a Good Housekeeping seal of approval!

Another great country for eco-tourism is Belize, with the Xanadu Island Resort which has
golf carts for less pollution and organic shampoos. Olivia Newton John, star of the movie “Xanadu”, would be proud to call this place home! Belize has fantastic scuba diving with great coral reefs like her native hometown of Australia.

Of course, there are many great eco-friendly places in the United States too such as The Lodge at Sun Ranch, Cameron, Montana, where the elk run free, trout fishing and mountain views abundant, and the lodge was just remodeled using all recyclable material. Another choice is Inn by the Sea in Crescent Beach, Maine, which are cleaned with non-toxic green seal products, the gym floor is made of recycled rubber, and the pool is heated by solar panels. If you are into wine, check out Gaia Napa Valley Hotel, American Canyon, California as it is a 130-room hotel which deserves kudos for being the first property in America to be awarded LEED-certified gold. LEED is an acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

If you have done something eco-friendly that is above or beyond the call of duty or have taken a fabulous eco-tourism trip, let me know and you may earn one of fabulous Green colored rings! Contact Suzanne at s@chachabella.com